Monday, July 26, 2010

Started the 100 Day Challenge Today

Just discovered the 100 Day Challenge by Linda Sprangle. I printed out all of the free material and will compiling a binder. I like the concept and it will be something tangible for me to help myself stay accountable. I am SO ready to have a jump start! I've planned my meals and work outs for the week! Now I just need to stick to the plan!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Under 200 :)

Although this weekend was filled with shots, shots, and more shots, I was able to stay under 200. Celebrating my friend's birthday was just what I needed after this awful week of stress. I sent an e-mail to my employer today. I would've preferred to discuss an increase in pay issue in person but I don't feel very confidence in my words right now. I'm hoping that this week will bring me happiness. I had an amazing weekend and would love for my mood to be positive for the rest of the week :)